“You can use The Four Agreements to improve your life in every way, but first you have to start with awareness of where you are and where you want to be.” – don Miguel Ruiz
You’re about to embark on an exciting and endlessly rewarding journey of living a better life by practicing four simple agreements!
The objective of each lesson is simply to become aware of a core or central principle of Ruiz’s teachings. The more you become aware of these principles, the easier it is to live by The Four Agreements, and the faster your life will be transformed.
How much of your life is spent in fear, conflict, worry, anxiety, or other forms of emotional suffering? Are you aware that most emotional suffering is completely avoidable?
In this lesson, we make a distinction between unavoidable suffering and avoidable, or "needless,” suffering. Then we introduce four simple agreements that have the power to eliminate needless suffering from your life: Be impeccable with your word. . . Don’t take anything personally. . . Don’t make assumptions. . . and Always do your best. If you can begin to live by these agreements, the transformation in your life will be amazing.
Are you aware of the power and importance of the words you speak – not only to others, but to yourself? The word is a force you cannot see, but you can see the manifestation of the force, which is your life. Impeccability of your word leads to happiness, and misuse of your word leads to suffering.
In this lesson, we present the first and most important of The Four Agreements: Be impeccable with your word. The other three agreements are more support for the first agreement – they help you to unlearn the many habits and routines that cause you to suffer. But the ultimate goal is the first agreement because the word is your power of creation. . . it’s what you use to create your story. Everything you know, your entire virtual reality is created with the word.
Taking nothing personally is the most challenging agreement for the majority of people. But once you truly understand that all people live in their own virtual world, this agreement becomes pure common sense.
This lesson presents the second of The Four Agreements: Don’t take anything personally. The key to this agreement is the awareness and understanding that each of us lives in our own world, our own movie, our own story. The way we see the world is according to the agreements we have made. Our opinions and points of view come from our own belief system, from all the knowledge we have stored in our memory, and it’s no one’s truth but ours.
Are you in the habit of making assumptions, taking them personally, and creating a conflict for nothing? Making assumptions is a set-up for suffering because most assumptions are not the truth – they’re fiction. Assumptions are nothing more than stories you tell yourself when you don’t know the truth.
In this lesson we present the third agreement: Don’t make assumptions. Almost all of the needless suffering in our lives is rooted in making assumptions, taking things personally, and using our word against others and against ourselves. We listen to the voices talking in our head. . . one assumption leads to another assumption. . . we jump to conclusions, take our story personally, and send emotional poison with our word.
Are you in the habit of doing your best, or do you try to get by with as little effort as possible? "Always do your best" is the agreement that allows the other three agreements to become deeply ingrained habits.
This lesson presents the fourth and final agreement: Always do your best. The first three agreements are in the realm of the virtual reality, but the fourth agreement is in the realm of the physical: Do. . . take action. The fourth agreement helps you to become a master artist because you take action and keep practicing until you master the action. By taking action, you transform yourself, you transform your story, and by doing your best over and over again, you eventually transform your life.
“When you have faith in yourself, you follow every instinct that you were born with. You have no doubt about what you are, and you return to common sense. You have all the power of your authenticity; you trust yourself, you trust that everything is going to be just fine, and life becomes extremely easy.” – don Miguel Ruiz
In this final module, a “Course Evaluation Form” is available as a PDF download. We value your feedback and kindly ask that you complete the form.
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